Thursday, August 14, 2008

Little Audrey

I was looking through a biography recently and noticed this picture of a mother and baby I figure is from about 1930-31.

The baby in the old picture looks a lot like our baby, my granddaughter Gabriela, called Gabby. She's seen here with her dad.

And with her mom.

The little girl in the 1930s picture grew up to be this famous movie star.

So what I'm wondering is, will our Gabby grow up to look like Audrey Hepburn?

My wife Sally, Gabby's grandma, is flying to Pennsylvania tomorrow for a visit. I miss our girls very much, both Gabby and her older sister, Bella. I also miss their mom and dad. I'm set to fly there in October, but for now I have to depend on pictures.

Here's a little something from my son's blog about Gabby and her current fascination with the color green.

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