Friday, January 04, 2013

Funny side of Life

Life editors had a sense of humor. Somebody had fun with these two articles, “Life goes to a Hitler party in West Virginia,” and “Life Goes to a party With a New York café socialite named Cynthia.”

“Cynthia,” as you’ll see, is a mannequin taken to various functions. Haven’t we seen similar plots in a couple of movies within the past decade or so? The article is from the issue of December 13, 1937. The Hitler party was held at the University of West Virginia by the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, and is from December 5, 1938. The thing I find most absurd about a bunch of frat boys dressing up as Hitler is not the political satire and ridicule of Nazis, but that they served no alcohol at the party! Now that is funny.

Copyright 1937, 1938 Time-Life


David Miller said...

Boy, those were the days. Guys dating mannequins and college kids dressing up like Hitler. Who says our parents didn't have a sense of humor? Very funny stuff.

Postino said...

Dave, doesn't the Hitler stuff remind you of the casting call for "Springtime for Hitler" in the original The Producers?